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There’s a reason concrete masonry was used for castles and other strongholds, monuments meant to preserve legacies, and shelters designed to keep world leaders safe in the event of a worst-case-scenario. Simply, there isn’t much that will damage properly constructed masonry structures, and they won’t rot or decay over time. In this issue, we’ll touch upon the many ways concrete masonry units such as block and wall systems help make buildings and their occupants safer both day-to-day and for the long term. Included in the issue:
Masonry Adds Noise, Water Protection for Multi-Family Builds
A new, luxury apartment community, Waterford at Frisco marries the elements of a modern urban lifestyle with the very specific aesthetic the City of Frisco, Texas requires. Discover how concrete masonry products were used in this project to create a more attractive, functional multi-family structure.
Shelter From the Storm
In a series of tests conducted at the Debris Impact Facility of the National Wind Institute, Texas Tech University, researchers determined concrete walls are strong enough to withstand flying debris such as that thrown in hurricane-strength winds. Read their insights and findings in this issue.
Read Volume 3, Issue 1 of Modern Masonry Magazine here.
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