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To help keep you at the top of your game, all Echelon continuing education courses are now available both live (in-person or webinar) and at your own pace online. So, whether you are working from the office, or remotely, our team of Architectural Consultants are here to make sure you’re able to keep learning, growing and innovating.

Visit the Oldcastle APG Continuing Education Portal to view and register for our live lunch and learn session topics, and online course offerings. See why so many professionals consider the Echelon Masonry team their go-to for informative, convenient masonry training.

We’re also offering regularly-scheduled live webinars through APG University Online. Check out the latest course listings!

Lunch and Learn

Designing with Innovative Architectural Blocks for Buildings

CEU Credits: 1 LU | HSW

Concrete masonry units offer a surprising amount of design flexibility, sustainability benefits and performance characteristics. Join us for a look at some of the lesser known innovations happening in the world of architectural block.

Through this course, attendees will:

  • Learn the proper ways to detail a masonry building to prevent moisture intrusion.
  • Discover the acoustical benefits of designing with masonry.
  • Learn about the different architectural masonry products available and the importance in selecting the right products for the building assembly system.
  • Understand the opportunity for LEED points that can be garnered when building with masonry.

This course is applicable to all masonry products.

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Lunch and Learn

Introduction To Rainscreen Ventilated Facades

CEU Credits: 1 LU | HSW

A rainscreen cladding is one of the most efficient systems for construction envelope purposes in today’s commercial building environment. This presentation will discuss how a rainscreen cladding provides a building solution that perfectly fits into the current sustainable architecture trends; whose installation is easier than it seems.

Through this course, attendees will:

  • Explore how ventilated rainscreen facades contribute to a healthier building environment by limiting trapped condensation, preventing mold growth and maintaining optimal indoor air quality.
  • Gain knowledge about air circulation dynamics.
  • Analyze how these facade systems contribute to the thermal efficiency of buildings, leading to significant energy savings over the building's lifetime.
  • Learn the importance of structural movement flexibility.

This course is applicable to all masonry products.

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Lunch and Learn

Modern Masonry Using Pre-Blended Mortar

CEU Credits: 1 LU | HSW

Pre-blended mortar eliminates many of the variables and uncertainties of site-mixed mortar, thus reducing the potential for problems and liability with the finished masonry construction. In this course, we will look at the types of mortar available, the process and pitfalls of field mixing versus pre-blended mortar, and the significance of mortar in masonry assemblies.

Through this course, attendees will:

  • Learn the differences in various types of mortar and and standards that apply to each.
  • Understand the specification of pre-blended mortar for a variety of buildings and with appropriate selections related to different applications.
  • Understand the how mortar impacts the durability and performance characteristics of a masonry wall and the ingredients that define its makeup and attributes.
  • Understand the differences between site-mixed and pre-blended masonry mortar and how each impacts the quality of a masonry construction.

This course is applicable to all masonry product lines.

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Masonry Solutions for BIM

CEU Credits: 1 LU | HSW

Masonry construction presents a myriad of challenges for specifiers – especially those who are less familiar with masonry construction methods, performance standards and assembly detailing. A new wave of BIM modeling tools seeks to bridge the gap between these challenges and the extensive benefits of masonry construction, including resiliency, energy performance and unique aesthetics.

This presentation provides a condensed overview of BIM and its impact on the construction industry, with a particular focus on new software tools that are changing the way masonry is designed, specified, ordered, manufactured, shipped, installed and maintained. Additionally, this course will delve into masonry building codes – with a particular focus on energy codes – and how they work together with masonry materials to deliver safer, healthier and higher-performing buildings for occupants.

After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how masonry codes, best practices and modeling software interact during the design process to ensure a high-performing masonry building.
  • Describe a number of complex masonry wall assemblies that BIM modeling tools can help simplify, including single- and double-wythe walls, reinforced masonry, cavity walls and insulated masonry.
  • Identify the structural, insulative and mechanical performance of masonry products, including concrete masonry units and structural clay brick.
  • Analyze how new masonry modeling tools have solved previous shortcomings, including how BIM technology can simplify the challenge and expand the possibilities of designing with masonry.

This course is applicable to all structural masonry product lines.

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How to Properly Specify and Install Thin Veneers

CEU Credits: 1 LU | HSW

Cohesive and resilient designs are hard to achieve. This course offers a basic review of thin veneer applications, aesthetic opportunities and specifications for vertical surfaces, highlighting code requirements and industry best practices for installation over various substrates.

After completing this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how to access and utilize the available resources for material specification.
  • Learn how to properly specify thin adhered veneers to ensure moisture mitigation in the building for building occupant health and safety.
  • Identify finish materials and explain their interaction with different substrates.
  • Understand “value engineering” opportunities during the design phase to maintain the design intent through the bidding and construction phases.

This course is applicable to all adhered veneer masonry product lines.

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